My Cancer Moustache
As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last year. It was diagnosed by my family doctor (Dr. Dominick Kelly) and treated by my Urologist/Oncologist (Dr. John Warner). I lived through the experience and I’m one of the lucky males over 40 in Canada that was diagnosed and treated before it killed me. I did, however, suffer the indignity of a having more men’s fingers in my butthole than most enjoy while incarcerated for an extended period in a Thai prison. But that’s a whole other story.
So how can I do something for others that may find themselves in the same position? I grow a moustache of course. What else?
Yes, I’m helping others that may be diagnosed and treated for Prostate Cancer by participating in this year’s Movember Canada fund raising project. I wrote about this event last year and sponsored local lad Jon Strocel during his moustache growth period. Last year, this event raised over $40 million dollars to support research, treatment and support for those that find themselves with this nasty disease.
You can help fight Prostate Cancer and rate my gnarly moustache by sponsoring someone you know that is growing a moustache during Movember. Do it for yourself, your partner, your brother, your dad or a total stranger.
Karma is good. Death is overrated.