Vancouver: City Of Garbage

Vancouver: City Of Garbage

Assholes, Environment, Life in Vancouver, Observations, Rants
Vancouver residents boast of living in the world's cleanest, prettiest and most pristine city in the world however this statement, and the city in general, is being buried under a mass of disgusting garbage. I live in the downtown core and take my dog for walks on the streets of downtown Vancouver. The weekends are the worst with Sunday morning a rubbish nightmare as all the drunken idiots that bus in from the outlying communities consume vast amounts of alcohol along with paper plated slices of pizza and cardboard cartons of chinese, indian and thai food. Bottles, vomit and food containers are spread over the streets and sidewalks of this city, with broken glass an obstacle course for both my dog and I as we wind our way through the…
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Another Visit From Yogi

So what's a bear to do on a Sunday morning? Well, he could visit my home, push the garden waste recycling bin on it's side and scoop the tasty contents out on to the lawn. That would be fun, right? Yogi, as I've named the large black interloper, has added our recycling bin to his schedule and visits at least once a week to dine on it's stinky, ant-covered contents. Someone (no names here of course) does not fully latch the 'bear-proof' container so Yogi has no problems thrusting his paw into one side and removing the rotting treats he finds within. (Let me just say that the bear-proof bin is indeed bear-proof if latched correctly. But again, no name will be uttered in this report...Sharon) Watch below as good…
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