Animal Abusers

Animal Abusers

Animals, Assholes, Crime, Rants
[caption id="attachment_5400" align="alignright" width="280"] Dog killer Emma Paulsen[/caption]Self-employed dog walker Emma Paulsen killed six dogs, one of them her own, by leaving them locked inside a sweltering truck canopy under a blazing sun until they perished. She reportedly left the canopy window open and a single bowl of water which is next to useless when the temperatures soar within the confines of a fiberglass canopy. So what did this miscreant do after discovering the animals in her care were dead? She hid the bodies and fabricated a story about the dogs being 'stolen' by an unknown thief. Absolutely disgusting. And then there's the eight assholes at Chilliwack Cattle Sales who were caught torturing cows. These shitbags were recorded by an undercover worker of Mercy for Animals Canada beating, kicking and…
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