Movember is almost here
It’s that time again. Time to prepare for the month of November which, according to a number of the world’s prostate cancer agencies, has been renamed MOVEMBER. A time for all good men (and women, due to a bizarre genetic anomaly or Eastern European performance enhancing drug) to begin growing a moustache and collecting contributions in support of the efforts to eradicate this nasty scourge and help those suffering from the disease.
Prostate Canada picked up the considerable tab (in excess of $1200) for my single hormone therapy injection prior to surgery and, without them, would have borne the cost myself. And for that I’m indebted to them, but that’s not why I’m participating in this year’s event. I’m participating because it’s something that needs to be done. It’s a disease that more men need to be aware of and take steps, whether they like a finger in the butthole or not, earlier rather than later in life.
The various symptoms of prostate cancer usually reveal themselves too late in advancement of the disease. It’s said that if you have symptoms, it may be too late to do anything so early detection, as in most cancers, is important.
Which is why Movember exists. To ensure males are aware they own a prostate and how to keep it in top running condition or what to do if cancer drops by.
So if you’re reading this, which you obviously are, take a moment and drop a few dollars into my Movember bucket. You can make a quick donation on my Personal Movember Page or contribute to My Movember Team, The Amber Alerts. Either way, you’re doing a good thing and may be helping someone you know or love.