Here’s another radio broadcast from 1994 on good old CBC Radio 690. I appeared on the Almanac afternoon show with host Cecilia Walters and Marg Meikle, known then as CBC’s Answer Lady, to discuss the Internet. The technology was fairly new to most in 1994 and a mysterious and little understood technology which is reflected in some of the listener’s questions during the show. Note the use of IRC to create a chat room and how Internet use was deemed primarily for business with little mention of home access. As with the CKNW broadcast below, listen to this broadcast and compare the Internet in 1994 to what is available now. It’s staggering how much things have changed in such a short period of time.
Note: Since that show in 1994, Marg Meikle has been valiantly battling Parkinson’s disease. She and her husband Noel have helped raised a $2 million endowment for a ‘porridge professor’ at UBC to do research with funds raised with their Porridge For Parkinson’s fund raising efforts. I haven’t seen Marg for many years but wish she and Noel all the very best in her battle against the disease.