The following post is weird, disturbing and creepy. Enjoy!
From today’s Digital Journal:
Elizabeth Poblete, a 22-year-old weightlifter from Chile who competed at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, has given birth during a training session in Brazil, having been oblivious of the fact that she was pregnant. Ms Poblete was training at a gym in Brazil’s largest city Sao Paolo on December 8, when she began to feel unwell. Unaware that she was expecting a baby Ms Poblete, understandably shocked at discovering her condition, proceeded to give birth to a son United Press International says she has called Eric Joseph, although another report calls the young boy Eric Jose. According to the BBC Eric Joseph, born three months premature, weighed in at 2.25lbs (1.2kg) and measured 14 inches (34cm).
Yes folks, this woman had a baby in a gym during a workout. Think of that the next time you’re making excuses not to go and exercise. It could be worse. You could bear a child during your squat thrusts.