‘EricS’ posted a comment on the aprilroad.com discussion form regarding the land owned by Imperial Oil and destined for future transformation. Imperial Oil reported more than $3 billion in net earnings or profits last year so they’re not part of the underfunded development crisis taking place in our province over the last few months. They own 263 hectares of land and forest in Anmore and Port Moody most of which has been sitting idle since the refinery was closed over 13 years ago. What’s to become of it? I’m concerned that the area will be converted to high or medium density housing and the quiet and idyllic life enjoyed by both Port Moody and Anmore residents may become a thing of the past. Won’t the infrastructure need to be upgraded and new or upgraded roads become a priority? Will this mean an increase in crime, crowded buses and trains and congested roads in and out of Port Moody? I don’t know but I’m concerned enough to attend tonight’s 7pm meeting at City Hall to discuss the future of the Ioco village. I think you may want to attend if you care about the quality of life in your city.