10 Vinyl Records You Need To Own

10 Vinyl Records You Need To Own

Entertainment, Music
As mentioned in a previous post, vinyl is back but it's expensive and harder to find than ever before. The battle these days is to find copies of surviving or reissued albums worth your time and money. I suggest you get yourself copies of the following ten albums which may be available in your local record store or on Discogs, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and one of the many online sources for quality vinyl. Be warned that you may have to hunt for quality copies as most have not been reissued. My tastes are eclectic and may or may not be your cup of tea but have a listen to cuts from each album using the YouTube player below. If you're reasonably impressed, do yourself a favour and get a…
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U2 Toilet Virus

U2 Toilet Virus

Entertainment, Internet, Music, Rants, Technology
I was cleaning my house yesterday and finally got around to scrubbing out the toilet, my least favourite job and the most emotionally traumatizing part of the home sanitation process. Lifting the toilet seat I was quite shocked to discover U2's new release 'Songs of Innocence' floating around in the bowl. I don't listen to U2, don't like their music and really dislike the uber-douche Bono along with his disingenuous, hand-wringing, self-aggrandizing, political whinging. He's a wanker with silly sunglasses. After some investigation I discovered that U2 has reached agreements with every municipal government to have the their shit album pumped into every home on the planet. Shiny new copies of their lame aural effort will be pushed through water systems and into the poop-pots of every household on the…
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The wonderful world of podcasting

The wonderful world of podcasting

Entertainment, Internet, Of Interest, Technology
My time was my own. I had the freedom to spend leisurely hours after work and on the weekends doing what I wanted to do, some gardening, some home maintenance, dinner with friends. Life was good. Too good. I decided to change that by starting a podcast network. I've always been interested in podcasting and experimented with a lame attempt right here on AprilRoad.com a few years ago. They sucked. I was more enthralled with the technology than the content and the listener metrics told the sad story. The story was that my audio offerings were, in food parlance, small bits of 3-day-old overly-salted gristly meat, appealing to absolutely no one on this planet or any other planet in this universe or beyond. So I quit. But a few years…
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