SEO Alchemy

If you’re a website owner you’ve probably received a number of annoying spam emails purporting to magically increase traffic, pagerank and penis size using the magic of SEO (search engine optimization). I’m here to tell you that most, if not almost all claims in this regard are bullshit. Period. SEO has fast become the new […]

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More Rock Shots from Doug

Fellow employee and 70’s rock fan Doug Bower supplied me with a few more original concert photos, joining his previous Queen photos and bootlegs. Remember the 70’s? Those were the days when it was perfectly legal to bring your camera to a concert and take photos of your heroes at work. It was all very […]

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80 + 80

I was at my bank today, waiting in the ubiquitious ATM lineup while two teenage girls completed their banking transaction. These were two upper middle-class girls in the 15-17 age range, well dressed and wearing the latest in fashion and accessories. One was pressing the buttons while the other injected various comments and instructions during […]

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