Nouveau Flamenco at its best
I was poking around on Youtube the other day looking for videos about the Boss RC-2 loop station pedal and stumbled across nouveau flamenco guitarist John Gilliat. Mr. Gilliat won the Roland company’s loop station competition in 2009, and for good reason. This guy kicks ass.
I purchased the 2001 album Peace directly from his web site (why don’t more artists do that?!?) and was amazed that he’s producing top quality music from his home studio in Langley, B.C. and that I’ve never had the pleasure of listening to any of it. If you’re looking for Jesse Cook without the snobbery or Gipsy Kings without the tight polyester pants this is the music for you. I only wish he offered embedded cover art, higher bitrate and meta data with his MP3 files but he’s backed such notable performers as the Cirque du Soleil troupe, Mae Moore (one of my personal favourites) and Strunz and Farah so who am I to bitch?
Listen to a few cuts on his web site, notably Christopher (see video below) or Smoke (which reminds me of Kenny Rankin’s Birembau for some reason although it sounds nothing like it) from the Peace album. I’ve listened to this album non-stop since purchasing online last week and heartily recommend it for fans of the genre or anyone wishing to flush Lady Gaga, L’il Wayne or anything to do with Miley Cyrus completely out of their system. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll notice that your headaches disappear too.