Steve’s Spaceship
A spaceship will be landing in Cupertino, California and who else could possibly be responsible? Only the lovable Apple boss Steve Jobs of course.
Steve has plans to build a new Apple campus on land, some of which was acquired from Hewlett Packard when parts of their global business went tits up. The new headquarters is destined to house 12,000 employees in a very cool donut shaped building that looks similar to a spaceship when viewed from above. The most interesting part of this story is his appearance at a recent city council meeting to plug his plans and gain the necessary permits and blessing from a town that owes him much more than the large tax revenue generated by his Apple technology behemoth. Cupertino is Steve’s home town and has been the site of Apple Inc. headquarters since it’s inception with friend and fellow nerd Steven Wozniak in 1976. God only knows how many dollars have flowed into the coffers of this Santa Clara county suburb, population 58,302 (2010 census), most of whom probably work directly or indirectly for Apple Inc.
The video is Steve’s entire presentation to the Cupertino city council complete with spiffy artist conceptions of the proposed campus and stats and figures to match. Overall a impressive project but it outlines the useless twits that always seem to sit on city council across North America and beyond. Listen to some of the stupid comments and questions from city councillors that obviously know little or nothing about technology (one proudly holds up his iPad as if to proclaim his nerdiness with the rest probably still using inkwells) and even less about the logistics of building and maintaining a large corporate headquarters. One of them even had the audacity to request free Wifi for the city as part of the deal. I love Steve’s response to her moronic and greedy idea.
If Apple Inc. was to consider moving to another small township or city the offers would flood in and he would probably get much more than the company presently enjoys in Cupertino. So to the city council I can only say “Shut the fuck up and give him the green light or watch your tax revenues plummet into the toilet when Apple pack their bags and leaves your pokey little town”. And if they’re dumb enough to jerk him around I offer Apple Inc. a new home in Port Moody, Canada. And we won’t be dumb enough to ask for free fucking wifi.