Human garbage

Two more deserving recipients of the Rants and Observations AOTW Award… Jill from Chelco Farms Rescue recently reminded me about the case of David Whiffin and Clayton Cunningham, two people that give new meaning to the word scumbag. These miscreants allowed a 27-year-old Appaloosa gelding named Jalupae to starve then tied its neck to […]

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Technological Torture

Our expensive, European, state-of-the-art clothes dryer has an interesting button labeled Extra Dry. I’m confused. Why do we need this setting when the assumption is the clothes DRYER will dry our clothes until all the moisture is removed ? The dryer demands we use the extra dry setting to ensure the clothes are completely dry […]

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Tax Pirates

In our modern world there are still Pirates that pillage from innocent victims, using their ill-gotten gains for nefarious and questionable deeds. I’m not talking about Somalian warlords plucking hapless victims from boats and demanding huge ransoms. I’m talking about our provincial government and their practice of pirating funds and keeping the lowly taxpayer in […]

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