Hanging the lights

Yesterday’s post referred to a video for the most over-the-top Christmas lighting display. Today’s is a picture of the most creative. Before clicking the image on left to view full size, read the perpetrator’s notes regarding his lighting display: “Good news is that I truly outdid myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad […]

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Imagine living next door

Here’s my vote for most the most insane Christmas lighting display. Try to watch the 45,000 lights and 176 channels of computer control all the way through because it only gets more outrageous (make sure you have your speakers turned on). Holdman Christmas Lights of Lindon, Utah is responsible for this aural and visual headache […]

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Bible Bully

If I was interested in dinosaurs and had a club that tried to convince other people to be interested in dinosaurs, I’d want to spread the word about dinosaurs, right? Right. So I would approach the local elementary school and ask them to allow me to spread the word about dinosaurs in their school every […]

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