Once upon a time

Once upon a time, before the draconian smoking bylaws were enacted in British Columbia I was able to wander down to City Cigar, open my private humidor, select a fine Cuban cigar then sit and enjoy it while reading the paper or chatting with the other customers of that fine establishment. A nice, relaxing experience […]

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Today’s front pages

Do you want to see and read the front pages from newspapers all over the world? Have a look at Newseum billed as the world’s most interactive museum. Run your mouse over the small dots on the page and today’s front page from that location will appear on the right. Click the dot to visit […]

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Ioco Refinery Lands

‘EricS’ posted a comment on the aprilroad.com discussion form regarding the land owned by Imperial Oil and destined for future transformation. Imperial Oil reported more than $3 billion in net earnings or profits last year so they’re not part of the underfunded development crisis taking place in our province over the last few months. They […]

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