The second most popular page on Facebook

What’s the most popular page on Facebook? The Barack Obama page of course. What else. Now, what’s the second most popular page on Facebook? Give up? Coca-Cola! I’m not a huge fan of social networking sites (although I have Facebook and Twitter accounts) and don’t feel good about letting complete strangers know what I’m doing […]

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Today’s front pages

Do you want to see and read the front pages from newspapers all over the world? Have a look at Newseum billed as the world’s most interactive museum. Run your mouse over the small dots on the page and today’s front page from that location will appear on the right. Click the dot to visit […]

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Word Explorer

I stumbled across an interesting podcast available from Called the ‘Word Explorer, it’s not exactly ambient background sound for dinner parties but short, informative explanations of the meaning and origin of common words. Have a listen…you may enjoy it.